Pence's national security adviser says he heard 'nothing wrong or improper' on Trump-Zelensky call

Vice President Mike Pence’s national security adviser – and the supervisor of one of the people who testified Tuesday in the House’s impeachment inquiry – said he heard “nothing wrong or improper” during the July 25 phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that is at the heart of the impeachment probe.

Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg wrote in a letter released by the White House on Tuesday that he had “no concerns” about the phone call and backed up Jennifer Williams’ testimony from earlier in the day. Williams is a State Department employee detailed to Pence’s office.

“I heard nothing wrong or improper on the call,” Kellogg wrote. “I had and have no concerns.”


Kellogg added: “Ms. Williams was also on the call, and as she testified, she never reported any personal or professional concerns to me, her direct supervisor, regarding the call. In fact, she never reported any personal or professional concerns to any other member of the vice president’s staff, including our chief of staff and the vice president.”

Williams said during her public hearing in front of the House Intelligence Committee earlier Tuesday that she would submit a classified memo about a September call between Pence and Zelensky as part of the impeachment inquiry.

Asked by Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., if she took notes of the call and if there was anything she wanted to share that was relevant to the impeachment probe, Williams testified that she would follow the advice of her lawyer who advised her not to answer. The lawyer said the vice president’s office described the call as classified.

Williams told the committee behind closed doors earlier this month that the call between Trump and Zelensky was “very positive” and the two men did not discuss Trump’s push for investigations of Democrats.

Trump has been highly critical of Williams – labeling her in a tweet as a “Never Trumper.”

Williams said Trump’s tweet caught her by surprise. She told the committee she “was not expecting to be called out by name.”


Trump had tweeted Williams should meet with “the other Never Trumpers, who I don’t know & mostly never even heard of, & work out a better presidential attack!”

Williams said she was confused by his tweet and “would not” consider herself a “Never Trumper.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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