Pence is greatest VP since John Adams, congressman says

Mike Pence, left, has one lawmaker comparing him to John Adams, who paid his dues as VP (1789-1797) before becoming the nation's second president (1797-1801).

You need to go far, far back into American history to find a vice president who can equal Mike Pence, an Ohio congressman said this week.

Maybe as far back as 1789.

Pence is “the greatest vice president of the United States, well, since John Adams,” U.S. Rep. Steve Chabot said, referring to the nation’s very first second-in-command.

The comment came Tuesday at a Pence appearance in Cincinnati, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.

In his speech, Pence lauded the job President Trump has been doing, praised the Republican tax-cut bill, and spoke in support of the Space Force proposal, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to join the U.S. Supreme Court, the newspaper reported.

Chabot, who faces a tough election challenge from Democrat Aftab Pureval, sees big things ahead for Pence.

"I really do think there’s a very good chance that Mike Pence will be the next Republican President of the United States after Donald Trump,” Chabot wrote a day after the vice president’s appearance. “Whether there will be a Democratic President in the interim of course, remains to be seen. But, in my humble opinion, Mike Pence is likely to be making decisions in the Oval Office one day.”

"I really do think there’s a very good chance that Mike Pence will be the next Republican President of the United States after Donald Trump.”

— U.S. Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio

Until then, Pence will need to be content with the more limited duties of the vice president – a lot in life with which Adams likely would have sympathized.

According to Cincinnati’s WVXU radio, Adams once referred to the vice presidency as “the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived.”

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