EXCLUSIVE: Republican congressional candidate and former Trump administration aide Max Miller slammed the Biden administration’s approach to the Middle East as a "complete capitulation to terrorists," vowing, if elected, to be a "champion of Israel." 

Miller, who announced his 2022 campaign to challenge Ohio Republican Rep. Anthony Gonzalez in February, touted the "strong bond" between the U.S. and Israel during the Trump administration, but criticized President Biden and Democrats for their shift in policy. 


Speaking to the ongoing violence in the region, Miller said it "couldn’t be any more clear" that this is "the perfect target of opportunity for Hamas to go after Israel because they see the U.S. finally being weak on Israel." 

"I’m not surprised by any of it," Miller said, calling Biden a "feckless leader." "It is a complete capitulation to terrorists." 

Miller went on to slam progressive Democrats for anti-Israel rhetoric, which he called "anti-Semitic." 

"The Biden administration has undone a significant amount of progress," Miller said. 

FILE - Former President Donald Trump talks with Deputy Campaign Manager for Presidential Operations Max Miller, left, and director of the Presidential Personnel Office John McEntee, right, before his speech to the Republican National Convention on the South Lawn of the White House, Aug. 27, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

FILE - Former President Donald Trump talks with Deputy Campaign Manager for Presidential Operations Max Miller, left, and director of the Presidential Personnel Office John McEntee, right, before his speech to the Republican National Convention on the South Lawn of the White House, Aug. 27, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) (AP)

Miller told Fox News that if he is elected to Congress he would "restore the America First agenda." 

"I would be a champion for Israel," Miller said. "Too many people say they’re pro-Israel. I would be a champion for Israel." 

"I would keep the legacy of Trump and the America First agenda and bring it back to the forefront," he continued, citing the Trump administration’s success in brokering "historic peace agreements" and moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. 


"Being a champion for Israel means being a champion for peace. A champion for trade normalization, for democracy," Miller said. 

Meanwhile, Miller sits on the board of the Holocaust Memorial Council, along with former Obama deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes. Miller, on Monday, called for Rhodes to resign from the council after comments he made over the weekend. 

"When he’s not acting as the mouthpiece for the failed Iran Nuclear Deal, he’s shilling for Hamas, who is committed to the extinction of Israel. @brhodes is unfit to serve on the United States Holocaust Memorial Council and should resign," Miller tweeted Monday. 

Miller was referring to Rhodes’ tweet over the weekend, after Israel destroyed a building that included the Gaza bureaus of media outlets like the Associated Press and Al Jazeera over intelligence they received that Hamas had military operations at that location. 

Journalists and residents were warned and evacuated before the strike was conducted. 

"What does hitting that building achieve? What degradation of Hamas relative to the civilian harm and targeting of the most prominent news outlets in Gaza?" Rhodes tweeted. "It’s hard not to conclude that the collective punishment of all people in Gaza is the point." 

During his interview with Fox News, Miller said that he shouldn’t "support a terrorist organization." 

"It is just shameful," Miller said. "I know the council is apolitical, and speaking out about this I could get a slap on the wrist, but someone needs to say something." 

Miller added: "Israel has the right to protect itself – just like any other country." 

Miller announced his primary challenge to Gonzalez after the incumbent joined 10 other Republicans to vote to impeach former President Donald Trump for incitement of insurrection over the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. 

Trump endorsed his former aide as a "wonderful person who did a great job at the White House," saying he "will be a fantastic Congressman."


"He is a Marine Veteran, a son of Ohio, and a true PATRIOT," Trump said. "Max Miller has my Complete and Total Endorsement!"

Miller, 32, served on Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016 before joining the White House. After a stint in the office of presidential personnel, Miller became White House director of advance. He played a key role in Trump’s reelection bid in 2020, coordinating rallies and other campaign events.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.