Do voters think Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal is reasonable?
Lawrence Jones asks people in Washington, D.C. about the Green New Deal; reaction from Fox News contributors Jessica Tarlov and Lawrence Jones.
AOC is getting turned into B.I.G.
A giant mural of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s face was painted on a Lower East Side fence, though not everyone in the area thought the freshman lawmaker was worthy of the rap star treatment.
The artist behind the work, Lexi Bella — who makes portraits of trailblazing historic figures such as Martin Luther King Jr., Serena Williams and Frida Kahlo — said the Bronx-bred socialist poster girl deserves a tribute because she “inspires change.”
“I was so moved by her being sworn in in January,” Bella told The Post. “It was such an incredible David & Goliath story when she beat [Rep. Joe] Crowley in the primary battle, and I think she actually embodies the kind of politician that the people who built this country intended.”
She added, “She’s the embodiment of inspiring change.”
The roughly 10-by-8-foot painting depicts just Ocasio-Cortez’s head — a la Brooklyn’s Notorious B.I.G. mural. In it, she wears her signature red lipstick, pearl earrings and a half-smile.