Obama to pledge $3 billion in climate aid

President Obama will propose sending $3 billion in aid to help developing nations adapt to the effects of climate change, according to multiple media reports.

The anticipated contribution to the Green Climate Fund, an independent trust fund established by the United Nations, is expected to drum up support for donations from other countries ahead of climate talks next year in Paris. It likely won't represent a net increase in U.S. foreign aid, as Republicans would block such a move — rather, the White House will probably attempt to shift money from similar programs.

"I think there would be political difficulties if it resulted in a net increase in foreign aid," said Alden Meyer, a longtime observer of international climate negotiations and policy director with the Union of Concerned Scientists. "No doubt I think the administration is going to have to make a case to get the funding for the Green Climate Fund appropriated here."

Nations will meet next week in Berlin in hopes of raising $10 billion for a three-year funding period. The potential U.S. dollars put the Green Climate Fund more than halfway to that goal, bringing the total pot to about $5.4 billion, and could be key for engaging developing nations in the U.N. climate talks.

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