Obama IT chief really, really doesn't want to testify about ObamaCare

Todd Park is the administration's Chief Technology Officer. Before taking the job in 2012, he was head of technology at the Department of Health and Human Services, where his biggest project was the development of the Obamacare website Healthcare.gov. Now, as he oversees the administration's tech efforts, his biggest project is still Healthcare.gov.

That is why Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, wants Park to testify at a hearing Wednesday on the Obamacare rollout. But Park doesn't want to talk, as Issa is finding out.

The chairman's first request to Park was on October 21. The White House took more than a week to respond to Issa's inquiry, finally telling him Park was too busy. Then Issa asked Park to come to this Wednesday's hearing. The White House again said Park was too busy. Other administration officials agreed to testify, but not Park.

So on Friday afternoon, Issa sent another letter to Park, this one attached to a subpoena. Noting that Park has found time to, among other activities, speak to the New York Times, Issa wrote, "You are the only invited witness who remains unwilling to appear voluntarily…I am left with no choice but to compel your appearance."

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