Obama Campaign Cashes-in on "Birther" Issue with Mugs & T-shirts (but only for U.S. Citizens)


President Obama's re-election campaign is trying to cash-in on those who questioned his birth certificate by selling limited-time only "Made in the USA" mugs and t-shirts.

The campaign says it's looking to have a little chuckle out of all the conspiracy theories surrounding the president's birth, and the trigger was a book by Jerome Corsi out Tuesday who makes a case for why he thinks the president shouldn't be allowed in office.

The mugs, which feature a smiling Obama and an image of the certificate, are selling for a minimum donation of $15, and $25 for t-shirts, but you can make contributions of $500 or more.

The website makes a caveat to purchasers - you have to be a U.S. citizen. In the "legal compliance" section, it makes buyers check a box to confirm, "I am a United States citizen or a lawfully admitted permanent resident of the United States." The president released a short-form birth certificate from the state of Hawaii during his 2008 campaign, but questions have swirled and followed him since then with theories that it was faked or that he was born in Kenya, where his father is from. Real estate mogul Donald Trump pushed the issue forward in his flirtation with a 2012 run and Obama then released his long-form birth certificate last month. "Remember ‘fight the smears' from the 2008 campaign? This is the mobile version of it," said Obama 2012 campaign Spokesman Ben LaBolt.

The campaign also noted that last year the president said, "I can't spend all of my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead," so instead you can have it plastered on your mug while you're having your morning joe.

Fox News' Mike Emanuel contributed to this report.