Obama administration hires former Planned Parenthood spokesman

In this Jan. 23 2011 photo, a statue representing women's empowerment stands in front of a Planned Parenthood facility in Tucson, Ariz. (AP)

The Obama administration has hired Planned Parenthood's former spokesman to work in the Department of Health and Human Services' press shop -- angering anti-abortion groups, who pointed to the decision as evidence of the administration's bias.

The federal health department tapped Tait Sye, former media relations director at Planned Parenthood, to be the new deputy assistant secretary for public affairs.

In that role, Sye is likely to be dealing with many of the same controversies through which he navigated during his time at Planned Parenthood. While working for the abortion provider, Sye was outspoken in his organization's support for the Obama administration after it touched off the firestorm over its contraceptive coverage requirement.

Americans United for Life President Charmaine Yoest told FoxNews.com the hiring decision "further underscores how committed this president is to pursuing a very aggressive pro-abortion agenda."

"Clearly being a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood is good qualification for speaking for this administration," she said, adding that "personnel is policy."

Sye has not responded to a request for comment from FoxNews.com.

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