Former Vice President Joe Biden remains the clear front-runner in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, but a new national poll is the latest to indicate a recovery by Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

The Quinnipiac University public opinion survey also appears to suggest a drop in support for rising star Pete Buttigieg.


Biden stands at 35 percent among Democrats or Democratic-leaning voters questioned in the survey, which was conducted May 16-20. Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont is in second place, at 16 percent. The former vice president edged down 3 percentage points from Quinnipiac’s previous poll, which was conducted in April, with Sanders jumping 5 points.

Warren stands at 13 percent in the survey, up from just 4 percent in Quinnipiac’s March poll. A Fox News Poll released last week also indicated a surge of support for the populist senator who’s putting out one progressive policy proposal after another. Warren jumped from 4 percent in the March Fox News poll to 9 percent in May.

The Quinnipiac survey indicates Buttigieg at 5 percent. The South Bend, Indiana mayor stood at 10 percent in Quinnipiac’s April poll.


“Cleary the race got more crowded,” Quinnipiac University Poll assistant director Tim Malloy told Fox News. There are now nearly two-dozen Democrats running for the party’s nomination.

Pointing to Buttigieg and former Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas, Malloy noted that “these are two young rising political stars and maybe the star faded a little bit with the arrival of so many candidates on the scene and the ascendancy of Joe Biden.”

O’Rourke registers at just 2 percent in the latest survey, down from 12 percent in Quinnipiac’s March poll.

The poll also shows Sen. Kamala Harris of California at 8 percent, Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey at 3 percent, and Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota at 2 percent. Everyone else in the survey registered at 1 percent or less.

Republican President Trump’s approval rating remains deeply underwater in the new poll. The survey indicates Trump stands at 38 percent approval and 57 percent disapproval among American voters.

Fifty-four percent of all voters say they “definitely” won’t vote for the president in next year’s general election, with just 31 percent saying they “definitely” will vote for Trump.

But the president’s far from the only White House candidate with underwater ratings.


With a 49-39 percent favorability rating, Biden is the only White House hopeful with a clear positive score. The favorability ratings for other Democrats are negative or mixed.

The most negative rating appears to go to the latest entry into the race – two-term New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

He stands at 8 percent favorable and 45 percent unfavorable in the survey.

The Quinnipiac University poll surveyed 1,078 voters nationwide, with a sampling error of plus or minus 3.7 percentage points. The survey included 454 Democrats and Democratic leaners, with a margin of error of plus or minus 5.6 percentage points for questions on the Democratic presidential nomination race.