
An apparent member of the New Black Panther Party was spotted Tuesday standing outside the same Philadelphia polling station where voter intimidation was reported two years ago.

Monitors from the city government watchdog Committee of Seventy and other agencies have been keeping a close eye on the individual dressed in New Black Panther-style clothing, committee president Zack Stalberg told FoxNews.com.

He said the man, whom MyFoxPhilly tried to interview, has been there for several hours and is "not friendly," but that he doesn't appear to be causing a disturbance.

"He wasn't friendly looking, but he was behaving himself," he said.

MyFoxPhilly.com reported that the man, wearing a pin showing his party affiliation, a black hat, glasses and leather coat, was seen outside the polling place in north Philadelphia -- the same polling place where in 2008 two members of the New Black Panther Party stood shaking a billy club and allegedly intimidating voters.

The unidentified man on Tuesday would not answer questions posed by MyFoxPhilly, but was apparently working at the polls as a volunteer and greeting voters. There have, as of yet, been no reports of voter intimidation at the polling station.

The Justice Department threw out most of the charges against New Black Panther members following the voter intimidation case related to the 2008 incident. But the incident has continued to generate controversy as a commission investigated the department's handling of the case.

Attorney General Eric Holder has defended his department's performance on the matter.

The Justice Department has monitors in Philadelphia for Election Day, but it is unclear whether they were at the North Philadelphia site in question.

Stalberg told FoxNews.com there are "definitely a lot of forces" monitoring the individual. He said his group was taken aback that he showed up.

"He's really not communicating what he's doing there," he said. "It surprised us slightly that he was back or that somebody was back, but it hasn't presented itself as a problem."

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