Mitt Romney to Fundraise in England

Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney is heading in a different direction. First, he bucked tradition by announcing he would skip August's Iowa straw poll. Now, while many presidential hopefuls plan July trips to court the Hawkeye State, the widely projected Republican frontrunner and 2008 Iowa straw poll winner is heading East instead of West - to London, England.

Romney, in the midst of a money-raising push, is planning to travel across the pond for a July 6 fundraiser, the campaign tells FOX News.

Held at the upscale Dartmouth House near Hyde Park, the fundraiser will be co-chaired by financial heavy hitters like Raj Bhattacharyya, managing director at Deutsche Bank, hedge fund manager Louis Bacon, and Woody Johnson, owner of the New York Jets.

"There is a lot of interest in this election among Americans living abroad who, like everyone else, are worried about what the weak economy and lack of jobs means for our status in the world. They want to know if we are going to lead the world economically, or become something less," Romney Campaign Press Secretary Andrea Saul tells FOX News of the decision to go overseas.

"To a large degree, they support Mitt Romney because he is well-known as someone who has the skills and capabilities to turn the economy around," she said.

While some in the Republican field are struggling to find money, Romney is soon projected to break the quarterly fundraising record in a year before a presidential election.

FOX News producer Jake Gibson contributed to this report.