Miranda Devine calls Nevada 2020 presidential election review 'good news'

NY Post columnist: We'll finally see fraud claims tested in a court of law

Nevada judge reviewing the Trump legal team’s evidence is “good news,” New York Post columnist Miranda Devine said on Thursday.

“This is good news because at last we’ll see the claims tested in a court of law. Witnesses have to speak under oath and put their money where their mouth is. Up to now really it is pointless, as Lindsey Graham just said, having these sort of videos and public hearings in which people make these allegations. There is no point to that,” Devine told “America’s Newsroom.”

“It’s not going to make any difference to overturning the election result. It gets people riled up and upset. There is a lot of misinformation that’s being put out. So you have to go to court and you have to prove it,” she added.


Attorneys for the Trump 2020 Campaign and representatives of Joe Biden’s six Nevada Electoral College delegates inspected a vote-counting location in Carson City on Tuesday in connection with a voter fraud lawsuit filed by the Trump team.

Reactions from the two sides weren't immediately known ahead of a scheduled Thursday hearing.

State Judge James Russell in Carson City had cleared the way for the joint inspection Monday.

The Trump campaign is contesting the results of the Nov. 3 election in the state, which showed Democrat Biden winning with 50.1% percent of the vote compared to Trump’s 47.7%, according to the Fox News Decision Desk.

Data compiled by Fox showed Biden winning more than 703,000 of the state’s voters, with Trump getting nearly 670,000 – for a difference of fewer than 35,000 votes.

Overturning the election is a “big hurdle” to get over since multiple state’s election results have to be challenged, Devine said. She also emphasized the significance of the lack of trust in the election results, warranting a cause for concern.

“It is a good thing because at the moment you have almost half of Americans, 47% according to a Rasmussen poll, who think that there is something dodgy about this election, something fishy about Joe Biden’s win. Among those you have 75% of Republican voters, 30% of Democrats,” Devine said.


"So this is a widespread suspicion in the populace about whether or not that election was legitimate," she added. "And the reason for that is because of widespread mail-in ballots which most countries do not use because they’re so vulnerable to fraud. Whether or not fraud existed and can be proven, widespread fraud, who knows?”

Fox News' Dom Calicchio contributed to this report.

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