Huckabee: Dems winning Ga. Senate races like giving car keys, 'liquor cabinet access to teenager’

Jan. 5 elections are 'about the country' and 'about the values of the people of Georgia,' Huckabee tells 'Outnumbered Overtime'

Giving the Democrats control of the White House and both houses of Congress would be like "giving car keys to a Corvette to a 14-year-old [as well as] free access to the liquor cabinet," former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Friday.

“I think everything is at stake for the country," Huckabee, now a Fox News contributor, told “Outnumbered Overtime" during a discussion of next month's Senate runoff elections in Georgia. "This isn’t just about Georgia anymore."

"This will decide the balance of the Senate," Huckabee told host Harris Faulkner. "And should Joe Biden prevail and end up being sworn in, then what you're going to have is a very, very touchy situation."

If the Democrats win both Georgia races and hold the Senate by virtue of Vice President-elect Kamala Harris breaking ties on crucial votes, the former governor warned, "we're going to be in a world of hurt ... in terms of those of us who believe that government ought to do less, not a whole lot more and should [not] spend our money, but should be a little more careful. That's what's at stake."


The political arm of Americans for Prosperity, the powerful conservative and libertarian political advocacy group, is putting on a full-court press to get out the vote in the Jan. 5 elections. While pro-GOP super PACs and other outside groups have shelled out big bucks to flood the airwaves on behalf of Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, Americans for Prosperity Action is knocking on doors across the state to make sure conservative voters will cast ballots in the runoff and to try and persuade swing voters.

When Faulkner asked Huckabee whether he thought Georgia voters cared about the national implications of both races, he responded: "If they don’t care about the national implications, care about the local implications.


"Do they believe that more regulation will be good for the prices of the things they put on the shelf?" he asked. "Do they think that losing the Trump tax cuts that gave every Georgia household an average of $6,000 is really not worth much and they'd love to give it back to the government so the government can waste it? Do they really want China to come back in and have free reign over our country and run right over us with unfair trade agreements? Do they want to go back to the NAFTA days instead of the USMCA days? Do they want more abortion rather than greater restrictions on how many ways you can kill a baby?

"I mean, there's a lot at stake for Georgia people," he concluded, "and I hope that they think very seriously. It is about the country, but it is about the values of the people of Georgia as well."

Fox News' Paul Steinhauser contributed to this report.

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