Michigan electors to receive armed guard for Monday vote

Pro-Trump protestors are expected at Monday's Electoral College vote

A police escort has been offered to Michigan’s 16 electors Monday, as they head to the capitol in Lansing to submit their vote for the Electoral College and confirm Joe Biden as the next president of the United States, reported The New York Times Friday.

But protesters from Stop the Steal -- an activist movement encompassing President Trump supporters who firmly believe, despite a lack of evidence, that the election was robbed from Trump due to widespread fraud -- will be at the capitol to protest the vote.

Trump has repeatedly pushed the theory that the election was rigged. Members of the Trump campaign's legal team, like Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, has pushed that argument as well, though they have yet to provide evidence to support widespread election or voter fraud in the dozens of cases filed across the country. 


Stop the Steal announced that they will be stationed outside Michigan's state capitol building Monday, where officials will be completing their vote for the presidency, along with every other state in the U.S.

Giuliani and Ellis traveled to the Great Lake State for a hearing with the House Oversight Committee last week, to present “evidence” to the legislators on what they believed proved election fraud.

The sometimes raucous hearing was an intense show of the division within the U.S., as Giuliani brought witnesses alleging firsthand knowledge of voter and election fraud – though several of the witness accounts had already been dismissed by the state’s courts prior to testifying at the hearing.

And Democratic State Rep. Cynthia Johnson grew visibly angry as the hearings carried on for over three hours, asking why the “witnesses” were not under oath.  

Her Republican statehouse colleague, Matt Hall, told Fox News prior to the hearing that the witnesses would not be under oath because the hearing was an “informational working session” and not “legal proceedings.”

“We’re an Oversight committee looking at how the election was conducted in Michigan and trying to find ways we can improve moving forward,” Hall said. 


Johnson later received threatening messages, which she posted to her social media – several of which contained racial and misogynistic slurs.

She responded by taking to social media and warning “Trumpers” in a video to “walk lightly.”

“So this is just a warning to you Trumpers. Be careful, walk lightly, we ain’t playing with you. Enough of the shenanigans. Enough is enough,” she said in a three-minute-long video, warning that the FBI had already identified one of the individuals that sent her threatening messages.

“And for those of you who are soldiers, you know how to do it. Do it right, be in order, make them pay,” she continued.

In response to her video message, senior GOP state leadership removed her from her committee assignments, saying it was unacceptable for a state legislator to give a message of warning to any party – though they did not outwardly condemn the threatening messages Johnson had received.


"Threats to Democrats or Republicans are unacceptable and un-American," GOP State House Speaker Lee Chatfield said. "They’re even more unbecoming of an elected official. Rep. Johnson has been stripped of her committees and we’re looking into further disciplinary action as the proper authorities conduct their investigation." 





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