Michael Caputo says Mueller team knows more about Trump campaign than anyone who worked there

Republican consultant and former Trump campaign aide Michael Caputo told Fox News' "The Story" Thursday night that Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team "know more about the campaign than any one person does who worked there."

But he also said that "it doesn't sound like" the investigators have found proof of collusion with Moscow to influence the 2016 elections, despite knowing "chapter and verse" about the Trump campaign.

"They have all the documents that were produced. They have all the emails from everyone," Caputo told host Martha MacCallum in an interview on Thursday night. "They've got further documentation from people who worked outside the campaign – their emails, their texts. They have the entire campaign’s texts."

"The Mueller investigation really wasn’t trying to find something," Caputo added. "Every question they asked, they already have the answer to."


Caputo said he was interviewed by Mueller's investigators about what he calls the "Russia collusion delusion" on Wednesday, one day after he was questioned by staffers on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He added that he was told that he is "a witness, not a subject or a target and afterward that didn't change."

However, Caputo added that "I think they were looking for an opportunity to make me a subject of this thing."

Caputo said that the questions to him focused on allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials before pointing out that "I wouldn't be asked about obstruction [of justice]. I wasn't in the administration when these allegations were launched, and they wouldn't ask me about financial crimes because I had nothing to do with some of the allegations that are floating around about some of the other folks."

Caputo, who reportedly told Senate investigators "God damn you to hell" following his interview Tuesday, described his interview with Mueller's team as "a bit of an intimidating session"

"It was very clear that they didn’t want me to talk about this stuff," he said, adding that "I think everybody has been cautioned by the Mueller team that going out there and talking about it chapter and verse is, let’s say, highly discouraged."

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