First lady Melania Trump, in a revealing interview, said she is among the “most bullied” people in the world and declared President Trump can’t trust certain White House staffers.

She sat down with ABC News Chief National Affairs Correspondent Tom Llamas during her solo trip to Africa. The ABC News reporter joined “Good Morning America” on Thursday to detail the rare interview with President Trump’s wife.

The first lady told Llamas there are people close to the president she does not trust, and she “let him know.” Some of them apparently no longer work in the West Wing.

But when pressed by Llamas, she said there are still people working inside the White House she does not consider trustworthy. Trump, who gave brief answers to the questions about trust issues, went into further detail when asked if she was looking forward to “possibly” six more years in the White House if her husband wins re-election in 2020.

“I believe that my husband is doing an incredible job for this nation and I want the American people to have success, so whatever he will decide I will support him,” she said. “I’m enjoying it. I really love to live in Washington and in the White House. Yes, I’m enjoying it.”

Llamas then turned the conversation to her "Be Best" initiative, pointing out the campaign to combat cyberbullying is “an interesting choice” because the president often mocks opponents on social media. Llamas labeled the initiative “interesting” in a voiceover package, though not directly to the first lady.

"I could say that I'm the most bullied person in the world," she said when asked what made her focus on cyberbullying.

Llamas pressed and the first lady clarified by adding, "one of” the most bullied people.

“If you really see what people are saying about me," she said. “It’s why my ‘Be Best’ initiative is focusing on social media and online behavior to educate the children of social-emotional behavior so when they grow up, they know how to deal with those issues.”

In the clip provided to “GMA,” Llamas did not ask a follow-up question about her husband’s behavior on social media.

The remainder of the interview is scheduled to air Friday night on ABC.