Media Matters reportedly used illegal guns to protect organization's leader

The former Media Matters for America staffer in charge of guarding the group’s leader not only committed multiple felonies when he carried firearms across the country but did so with the organization’s blessing and money, according to a report in the The Daily Caller Monday.

Multiple guns were reportedly bought and used to protect liberal leader David Brock. They were purchased with member money and were green-lighted by the head of the group, according to an unnamed source.

The Daily Caller reports that Brock's assistant carried a concealed Glock handgun without the proper permit.

The Glock-toting revelation flies in the face of the strong anti-gun stance Media Matters touts.

During one of Brock’s gun-guarded trips, he went to a Democratic summit in California. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who re-introduced a gun control package last week in the House including a renewed assault-weapons ban, was also there.

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