Arizona Republican Sen. Martha McSally remains confident Democrats supporting challenger Mark Kelly won't flip her Senate seat. 

Speaking with Fox News on Monday evening, the incumbent said that the only poll that matters in the race is Election Day. Kelly, a former NASA astronaut, has been leading McSally for the past couple of months.


An influx of young voters, Latino voters and the renewed support of White suburban women have both boosted the newcomer and broadened support for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in the traditionally red state.

The last time Arizonans elected a Democrat was in 1948, and a new report in the Associated Press said that the party has a shot at taking control of one or both chambers of the state's predominantly GOP legislature for the first time in nearly three decades. 

Arizona Republican Sen. Martha McSally campaigns at Republican Party Headquarters Monday, Nov. 2, 2020, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)

Arizona Republican Sen. Martha McSally campaigns at Republican Party Headquarters Monday, Nov. 2, 2020, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)

Republican candidates like McSally, however, have stuck close both to their platform and President Trump

Reasserting a claim she made at the Oct. 6 debate -- the race's first and only -- McSally said her mission is to make sure Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., is not in charge of the upper chamber.

Arizonans are "freedom-loving people," she added, and will make the right choice with the "future of our freedoms and values on the line." 

If Kelly is elected -- with the aid of outside funding -- McSally said the "radical left" would take over, packing the Supreme Court, increasing taxes, decreasing border security, taking away Second Amendment rights and implementing what she deemed the "Green Bad Deal." 

According to the Campaign Finance Institute, nearly a billion dollars in outside money has flooded into Senate races across the country.

McSally said Democrats couldn't just "buy" the Senate seat and that Arizonans like astronaut Buzz Aldrin know "what's at stake." Aldrin endorsed McSally late last month. 

"So, if you care about freedom, you care about our constitutional rights, you want to be able to rebuild our economy -- not lock us down again while we defeat this virus -- you want to make sure we stand up to China, then you need to vote Trump-McSally in Arizona," she asserted.


McSally planned to visit a polling location in Phoenix to rally voters later Tuesday morning.