Mark Levin: The mass media are the greatest threat to freedom of the press in America
Fox News host and author of 'Unfreedom of the Press' Mark Levin argues that you can't tell the difference between the press and the Democrat Party.
After President Trump and 2020 presidential hopeful Joe Biden hosted campaign rallies in his home state of Pennsylvania, author Mark Levin slammed the former vice president, as well as mainstream media outlets and other major political players including Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg.
Speaking with "Fox & Friends" to promote his new book 'Unfreedom of the Press,' Levin argued that Joe Biden's attempt to pull blue-collar workers is hypocritical and that Biden has little to show for his 50 years spent in politics.
"This notion of blue-collar Joe, tell me what blue-collar job did Joe ever hold? What blue-collar job did Joe ever create? This is all a concoction," he said. "Joe Biden is washed up liberal Democrat who really has very little in terms of his accomplishment in the last half-century."
Levin also argued that Biden has a history of changing his stances on crucial issues, and hasn't made any friends along the way in his political career.
"Joe Biden has been very, very vicious to tremendous icons in this country. He tried to destroy Bob Bork and tried to destroy Clarence Thomas," Levin said. "He has seriously defective history."
Levin added that Joe Biden will end his own campaign because he is "just not that bright" and "steps on his tongue about every other speech."
Among those who also drew Levin's ire were 2020 Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg.
Levin slammed Bernie Sanders as an "old red" who is attempting to "redress" himself as a Democratic socialist, and questioned Pete Buttigieg's political experience serving as the mayor of South Bend, Indiana.
"This mayor out of Indiana, can't even pronounce his name, call him mayor Pete. Great, what has mayor Pete done?" Levin asked. "What is his position on foreign policy? Where has he been on the border? How will he create jobs? How does he view the constitution?" he continued.
"The problem, again with the mass media in this country is, this isn't the Academy Awards. This isn't Hollywood. This isn't some game show," he added. Levin also argued that mass media companies like CNN and MSNBC are "the greatest threat we have today to freedom of the press."
Ultimately, the author said, the Democratic party has yet to present any serious candidates for the 2020 presidential election.
"We have a conga line of newbies coming in we've never heard of before and we're supposed to take the Democrat party serious," he said.
"I don't take the Democrat party seriously except if they win, then I'm worried."