Manchester attack: Trump orders probe after British leaks

President Trump on Thursday called for an investigation into how key information that the British shared with allies about the Manchester attack leaked to reporters.

The Wall Street Journal reported that British officials – including Prime Minister Theresa May -- were concerned that the leak was from the U.S. One U.K. official told The Journal that May talked to Trump about the leak at the NATO meeting in Brussels.

The official said that the prime minister, “expressed the view that the intelligence-sharing relationship we have with the U.S. is hugely important and valuable, but that the information that we share should be kept secure.”

The New York Times on Thursday defended publishing crime scene photos from the Manchester terror attack, even as Trump was blasting leaks about the investigation to the Times and other media outlets that emanated from American sources.

Trump blasted U.S. officials for the leaks on Thursday, calling them "deeply troubling," although it was unclear whether the Times received the photos from U.S. officials.

The name of the bomber, Salman Abedi, was disclosed to U.S. media just as raids were underway both in Manchester and in Libya, where the bomber's father lives.

"These leaks have been going on for a long time and my administration will get to the bottom of this. The leaks of sensitive information pose a grave threat to our national security," Trump said in a statement the White House released.

Trump ordered the Justice Department to launch a full investigation into leaks from the Manchester bomb probe. Following the release of crime scene photos from the bombing, President Trump has asked for "a complete review" of leaks from U.S. government agencies.

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