Maine lawmaker's shocking anti-Trump Facebook rant draws outrage

Hamman now says he was trying to draw attention to the "political discourse" in America (Maine State Legislature)

A Maine state lawmaker made his opinion of President Trump crystal clear in a social media post Tuesday, calling him a "joke," a "rapist" and a crude anatomical term before wrapping up his screed with what could be interpreted as a death threat.

In a Facebook exchange, State Rep. Scott Hamann posted a rambling diatribe using profanity and explicit language to refer to Trump and his supporters.

"Trump is a half term president, at most, especially if I ever get within 10 feet of that p*ssy," Hamann wrote on Facebook.

"Trump is a half term president, at most, especially if I ever get within 10 feet of that p*ssy,"

— Maine Rep. Scott Hamann

Another Facebook user, who did not respond to Fox News’ request for comment, replied incredulously to the implicit threat.

“Scott Hamann you plan to kill the President?” the user wrote.

The U.S. Secret Service is aware of the situation, but officials did not comment, citing an investigation into the matter.

Hamann did not reserve all of his vitriol for Trump, adding of the president's supporters, "I just can't deal with you ignorant people anymore."

Hamann praised President Obama, saying he “ran quite possibly the classiest 2 term presidency in US history.”

The Facebook posts have since been deleted, but screen grabs of the exchange were forwarded to Conservative talk radio host Keith Hanson, who hosts both “First Look" and “The Keith Hanson Show” on Fox News affiliate radio stations WNTK and WUVR in New Hampshire and Vermont. Hanson shared the images with Fox News, as well as Hamann's bosses the statewide hunger relief organization, Good Shepard Food Bank, where Hamann serves as a program director.

“I had somebody reach out to me and passed screenshots on to me saying that they were concerned about this," Hanson told Fox News. "This is a Democrat, a liberal, who was threatening the president,” Hanson told Fox News.

Hanson told Fox News that Hamann confirmed to him, in a private Facebook message chain, that he posted the comments.

“Hi Keith. Contacting my employer over a facebook comment I made to an old friend? I’m sorry if the truth triggered you so much that you felt it was a good idea to send a screenshot to my employer,” Hamann messaged Hanson. “’Profanity-laden”?? Are you kidding me? The only swear words in the image you posted were a**, pr*cks, and Trump. Too much for a snowflake, then don’t read comments between me and my childhood friend.”

Hamann added, “if anything negative comes from your attack on my employment, my attorney will be in touch. Cease and desist.”

Hanson said he was shocked that an elected official could unleash such hate against the president.

“When you are selected to become the voice of an electorate, you have a huge responsibility to be policing your words and representing your constituents at the best of your ability,” Hanson told Fox News. “What was surprising to me was that anybody with half a brain would have said ‘those aren’t my comments.’”

Maine Republican Party Chairman Demi Kouzounas posted Hamann's rant to the Maine GOP Twitter page on Wednesday.

The Maine State House Majority Office then released Hamann’s apology statement.

“While the tone of the post was born out of frustration with the vile language currently surrounding politics, I should not have responded with the same language,” Hamman said in a statement. “This is not language I typically use, it does not reflect my personal values, and while misguided, it was intended to make a visceral point about the developing political discourse in America.”

Hamann did not respond to Fox News' request for comment.

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