Live Updates: Eric Swalwell brings political baggage as impeachment manager

Some don't believe Swalwell, D-Calif., is a serious enough person for the responsibility with which he's been entrusted 

When House Democrats present their case to senators about why they should vote to convict President Trump of the impeachment charge that he incited an insurrection in the Capitol, some say their case may be hampered by the presence of Rep. Eric Swalwell as an impeachment manager.

Swalwell was given the heavy responsibility of being on the team to present the case against Trump to the Senate in his impeachment trial. The result -- although Trump will be out of office when the trial happens -- could be that Trump is barred from ever holding office again. 


    • Swalwell most recently has been embroiled in a controversy about whether or not he should retain his seat on the House Intelligence Committee
    • Swalwell has not been accused of any wrongdoing, but was linked with Chinese spy Christine Fang, or Fang Fang, for years.

But some don't believe Swalwell, D-Calif., is a serious enough person for the responsibility with which he's been entrusted. 

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