LIVE UPDATES: Pennsylvania poll watcher details claims of vote-counting irregularities

A poll watcher testified at a hearing that he had spent Election Day monitoring polling sites

Gregory Stenstrom, a poll watcher on Election Day in Pennsylvania, said Wednesday he saw vote-counting irregularities in the Philadelphia area last month. 

Fast Facts about Trump's 2020 legal challenges 

    • A poll watcher told host Sean Hannity that he witnessed irregularities with USB drives at the counting center that contain data from precinct scanners and are accompanied by ballots from election judges in various precincts, then uploaded to computers in a central location for overall tabulation.
    • So far, courts and state and local election officials have not found evidence of widespread voter fraud in sufficient numbers to overturn the results of the election.

    A poll watcher told host Sean Hannity that he witnessed irregularities with USB drives at the counting center that contain data from precinct scanners and are accompanied by ballots from election judges in various precincts, then uploaded to computers in a central location for overall tabulation.

    So far, courts and state and local election officials have not found evidence of widespread voter fraud in sufficient numbers to overturn the results of the election.

"Those USB sticks are all supposed to come back with the ballots, with the cartridges and paper tapes ... into the voting center," he said on "Hannity," claiming he witnessed "at least 24" instances of USB drives being uploaded to computers in a Chester, Pa., canvassing building without any outside oversight.

"What we found was a bunch of baggies that came in [and the] USB sticks and the paper tapes and the cartridges were all taken apart and comingled."

Stenstrom already testified about his experiences at a hearing held by Republican state legislators last week.

Stenstrom testified at the hearing that he had spent Election Day monitoring polling sites across the county and had been given the impression things were "well in hand" in Chester, with "10 to 20" Republican poll watchers monitoring the count.

However, he told the panel that when he arrived at the "remote" counting center at 6 p.m., he was unable to gain access for close to five hours.

Stenstrom told host Sean Hannity that the USB drives at the counting center contained data from precinct scanners and were accompanied by ballots from election judges in various precincts, then uploaded to computers in a central location for overall tabulation.

So far, courts and state and local election officials have not found evidence of widespread voter fraud in sufficient numbers to overturn the results of the election.

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