
President Trump and his team are pushing back against reports that his campaign significantly scaled back allegations in a Pennsylvania lawsuit over the 2020 election, although an amended complaint filed Sunday did significantly alter the case's stated goals.

Trump, his attorney Rudy Giuliani and campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh all forcefully rejected reporting from the Washington Post that said attorneys filed a new complaint "removing allegations that election officials violated the Trump campaign’s constitutional rights by limiting the ability of their observers to watch votes being counted." Monday morning, Trump retweeted a message from Murtaugh that said the new complaint "absolutely still makes an issue of" more than 600,000 ballots that were allegedly processed without proper observation.

"The Washington Post forgot to read the complaint," Trump tweeted. "Fake News. Poll Watchers, and the way they were treated, are a very big deal in the complaint!"

Murtaugh had called the Post's report "completely erroneous" and said that "to write that we had scrapped that argument requires not reading the amended complaint."

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