Lindsey Graham Slams Iowa Voter’s Suggestion To Ban Islam

When an attendee at one of his Iowa campaign stops suggested that one effective way to deal with ISIS would be to ban Islam in the States, Republican presidential candidate Lindsey Graham’s response couldn’t have been more to the point.

“I don’t want you to vote for me,” Graham said. “I couldn’t disagree with you more.”

Though he has been incredibly critical of President Obama’s plan to degrade and destroy ISIS, Graham’s Friday comments make good on a promise to tell voters “exactly what [he] believes” on all issues, reports Mediaite.

Just last month, Graham dealt with a racist comment at a prior Iowa stop by totally “disassociating [himself] from the guy,” and then beating him in pool. “What I would say is that what he said is not who I am. I’m not running to be president to please this guy,” Graham said of the incident.

The senator from South Carolina explained his Friday response with similar rhetoric: “He’s got a right to say whatever he wants to say, but I have an obligation to the Republican Party, to the people of Iowa and the country as a whole to be firm on this. I’m not buying into that construct. That’s not the America that I want to lead.”

[h/t: Mediaite]

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