Krauthammer: Republicans logically right in pushing for ObamaCare delay

Syndicated Columnist and Fox News Contributor Charles Krauthammer told "Special Report with Bret Baier's"’all-star panel Monday that Republicans are logically right in pushing for a one-year delay of the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate and ending the congressional exemption in the battle over keeping the government open.

“The unfairness was not in the bill," he said. "It was supposed to be equal and the president and the administration unilaterally, as it does everything, decided it would undo it.”

But Krauthammer also acknowledged President Obama has a huge advantage in what he calls  “a dangerous game.”

“He played it really well today in the way he talked about the shutting of Yellowstone and the Statue of Liberty,” Krauthammer said.  “I can assure you that the press are going to have cameras outside of the Statue of Liberty and you’re going to have little tots tomorrow weeping outside because they aren’t allowed in.”

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