Krauthammer on Ryan's vision for GOP: Rebuilding the party 'after the rubble of this election cycle'

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer told viewers Tuesday on “Special Report with Bret Baier” that while House Speaker Paul Ryan garnered attention for his announcement he will not be a contender for president this election cycle, the Wisconsin congressman had a less-publicized message for the American people that was nonetheless significant.

“The part of the speech I found the most interesting was when he talked about what he’s going to be doing in Congress. And that was kind of ignored,” Krauthammer said. “I think what he was doing, in addition to pulling out of the race, was to announce the first step in the rebuilding of the party after the rubble of this election cycle.”

Krauthammer said that Ryan was offering a path forward -- one that he believes can unite Republicans after a contentious presidential contest

“The party will be irredeemably split, and what he was saying is… I will lead with a policy agenda to reconstruct the Reaganite ideas that have been utterly leveled in this cycle,” he said, adding, “I don’t think it’s with an eye to the presidency. He’s young, he can run anytime in the next 20 years. It’s an eye to holding the party together.”

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