Krauthammer on administration's Iran policy: ‘This is Obama saying if you like your plan, you can keep your plan’

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer said Wednesday on “Special Report with Bret Baier” that the president’s failure to impose further sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program is yet another broken promise to the American people.

“Obama promised when he began these negotiations 18 months ago, he had a time limit… This was the last ditch negotiation, the last chance for Iran to come clean,” Krauthammer said. “[Obama] said we’re going to do this for six months, then we will reimpose sanctions if Iran hasn’t [made an agreement]… What does he do? He doesn’t impose sanctions. He extends talks.”

Krauthammer likened the situation to the president’s oft repeated promise on health care.

“This is Obama saying if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Period. He promised sanctions,” Krauthammer said.

Moreover, Krauthammer explained that sanctions are the alternative to either capitulation to Iran over its nuclear program – or to war.

“That’s exactly why Congress wants to impose it, triggering it only if Iran doesn’t agree to give up its nukes,” he said.

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