Krauthammer: Obama administration's policies have left US with 'no good options' in Iraq

Charles Krauthammer said Wednesday on "Special Report with Bret Baier" that President Obama's total withdrawal from Iraq leaves the U.S. with "no good options" as to how to address the crisis in the country.

Krauthammer, a syndicated columnist and Fox News contributor, said it will be difficult to achieve a political reconciliation in the country if the Iraqi government does not have success on the battlefield in its fight against Sunni militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

"Without success on the battlefield if the government if collapsing Sunnis and Kurds are not going to join it," he said. "They’re not going to jump on a sinking ship."

Krauthammer said this will be difficult, as political reconciliation is necessary for military success, creating a "catch-22" in the country he said the U.S. could have prevented.

“It is a direct result of Obama's abdication and withdrawal without leaving anything behind in Iraq and telling the Iraqis that he really didn't care that America would withdraw and leave it to whatever was going to happen," Krauthammer said. "As a result, there are no good options.”

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