
Charles Krauthammer said Tuesday on “Special Report with Bret Baier” that Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch “beautifully” evaded tough questions from Democrats during his confirmation hearing which is exactly what he should be doing.

“Refusal to answer questions. No supreme court nominee answers questions who has any hope of getting on the court,” said Krauthammer.

“The whole idea is not just to be calm and collected and knowledgeable, but to be nimble," he added. "This is an exercise in obfuscation.”

Democrats heavily pressed Gorsuch on abortion, guns, campaign spending and a host of other issues that he said could come before the court in the future, including whether or not he would overrule the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion.

“When democrats complain about not taking stands you go back to Ruth Bader Ginsberg who made it a principle of her nominating process that she would not in any way telegraph where she would stand on anything,” said Krauthammer. “Ever since the Bork nomination and the fiasco of the attacks on him it’s understood your job up there is to dance, to express a fealty to the constitution. You will say you will be independent and that's it and he did that beautifully.”