Baltimore and other American cities are struggling because of a lack of "career opportunities" for residents, Republican U.S. House candidate Kimberly Klacik told "Hannity" Thursday night.

"It's all about career opportunities. That is what you see lack in so many cities, and Baltimore, we used to be a manufacturing powerhouse," said Klacik, who is running for the West Baltimore House seat long held by the late Rep. Elijah Cummings.

"Unfortunately, those manufacturing jobs went overseas, thanks to NAFTA," she added. "We didn't do anything to replenish those career opportunities. So I say, bring back the medical equipment industry, right back to the Port of Baltimore, and get those people real careers that come with health insurance."


According to Klacik, Democrats need to "talk about school choice, talk about just doing something as far as the crime and violence. You know, we don't even have a plan right now. So, there is a lot of things we could be doing, and I think Republicans are on board. We just need Democrats to get on board as well."

Klacik added that her city has had bitter experiences with rioting and looting following the death of a Black man in police custody: "We had that happen to us in 2015 and now it is 2020 and we are trying to put businesses and lives back together."


Later in the segment, civil rights attorney Leo Terrell donned a Make America Great Again hat and accused Democrats of offering voters nothing but "fear," adding that Klacik "is more qualified to hold political office than Senator [Kamala] Harris."

"You have had chaos, total annihilation of Democratic cities," he said. "And I want to applaud President Trump for holding back federal funds. We, as taxpayers, are paying for all of this rioting, looting, all this chaos in these Democratic cities ... Donald Trump is the only person who could provide law and order in this country. We need him now more than ever."