Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin apologizes for child sex abuse remarks amid teacher protests

Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin speaks at the Capitol Rotunda in Frankfort, Ky., Jan. 12, 2018. (Associated Press)

Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin apologized Sunday for saying that children were sexually abused because they were left home alone while teachers rallied to ask lawmakers to override his vetoes.

The Republican issued his apology in a nearly four-minute video posted online, saying: “It is not my intent to hurt anybody in this process, but to help us all move forward together.”

“It’s my responsibility to represent you, not only when I’m speaking to you, but when I’m speaking on your behalf in ways that are clear, that are understood, that don’t hurt people and don’t confuse people,” he added.

“And to the extent that I do that well, great. And to the times when I don’t do it well, that’s on me. I’m sorry for those of you, every single one of you, that has been hurt by things that I’ve said.”

On Friday, Bevin’s comments were part of his statement criticizing teachers for leaving work to protest at the Capitol. More than 30 school districts closed Friday.

Bevin’s comments came shortly after Republican lawmakers voted to override his vetoes of an operating budget that included increased spending for public education with the help of an accompanying tax increase.

The GOP-led Kentucky House later approved a pair of resolutions condemning Bevin’s comments.

Telephone messages left with spokesmen for the House Democratic caucus, House Republicans and the Kentucky Education Association weren’t immediately returned Sunday.

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