McEnany blasts VP Harris for not visiting border, tossing 'political grenade' back to Biden

Former Trump press secretary tells 'Fox News Primetime' VP wanted 'latitude without the blame'

Former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany condemned Vice President Kamala Harris on "Fox News Primetime" Wednesday for not yet visiting the southern border after Joe Biden called her the "most qualified" person to stop the flow of illegal immigration.

MCENANY: We were told a week ago by President Biden that "the most qualified person," most qualified to stem the tide of illegal immigration to our southern border is Vice President Kamala Harris. Here we are, a week out, and all of a sudden she seems to have tossed this problem back to Joe Biden after the headlines came out like the one from Politico that Joe Biden handed Kamala Harris a grenade, a "political grenade." She tossed that grenade right back to him [Biden], because for Kamala Harris, this was about having latitude without the blame. And what I mean is the latitude to reach out to foreign leaders without accepting the blame when the ill-advised Biden policy -- or lack thereof, lack of a plan -- goes south as it already has.


You had an unlikely ally in the Mexican president with President Trump, I say unlikely because they're on different ends of the political spectrum, but had a great partnership in stopping this crisis on the southern border and stymieing illegal immigration. Then you have Joe Biden come in, and the Mexican president, good for him, says this is the migrant president. He is responsible and deserves the blame for what is happening on the southern border. I'm paraphrasing him but that's in essence what he said because he saw the great work that can be done with the agreements we made with the Northern Triangle countries and the Trump Administration that Joe Biden, for whatever reason, came in and ripped up and incentivized what we are seeing which is not humane. There is video that Fox just put up of two young girls, a 3-year-old and a 5-year-old girl, being left in the New Mexico dessert after being dropped over a 14-foot barrier. This is inhumane, it’s sad, and incentivized by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.


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