Democratic presidential hopeful Kamala Harris defended the Green New Deal despite its potential price tag. (AP Photo/Tony Avelar)
Democratic presidential hopeful Kamala Harris defended the Green New Deal despite cost estimates; she's endorsed the plan wholeheartedly, even as Republicans cite nonpartisan estimates that it'll cost trillions of dollars to implement.
Calling it an existential crisis facing the world, she said on “AM Joy,” “We as human beings have within our power the ability to change our behavior not in drastic ways, by the way, to reduce the effects of climate change.”
She said that the world must act with a sense of urgency because people are in collective peril.
She called the Trump administration a failure for not thinking about the future where climate's concerned, focused on science fiction rather than on science fact.
Harris, D-Calif., joined Sens. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Cory Booker, D-N.J. to co-sponsor the Green New Deal resolution earlier this month. The resolution’s awkward rollout included the release of an official document by New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s office that promised economic security even for those “unwilling to work,” as well as the elimination of “farting cows” and air travel.