
It struck two months before, more than 1,000 miles from his home district of San Antonio, Texas.

But Hurricane Sandy, which caused death and destruction in so much of the Northeast, was weighing heavily on Joaquin Castro on a blustery day in mid-January.

That is when he cast his vote in favor of a $50.7 billion emergency bill to provide help to Sandy victims – his very first vote as a U.S. congressman.

“It was an awful tragedy,” Castro, 38, said in an interview with Fox News Latino. “It was my first real vote in Congress. It reminds you of how connected we all are despite the fact that we all represent a different geographic area.”

The former Texas state legislator may be in a bigger pond, but he’s no small fish.

Joaquin Castro is already one of the most watched new members of Congress.

Shortly after being sworn in, Castro was elected by his Democratic peers in the House to head their freshman class.

“It’s quite an accomplishment that your colleagues have that kind of faith in you that they elect you to be president of their class,” said former Texas Congressman Charles Gonzalez, whose decision not to seek an eighth term in the U.S. House of Representatives opened the door for Castro to make his move.

“It’s pretty hard to get elected. There are no slackers in there. Everyone who got elected rose above other people in what generally were very contested races.”

They’re a symbol of the new generation of American leaders. They are the two brightest stars in any political party.

— Henry Munoz, financial chairman of the Democratic National Committee, about Joaquin and Julian Castro

“Many have admirable records either in the public or private sector,” Gonzalez, a Democrat, said. “He’ll be trying to keep that class of Democrats united not just for this Congress but for the next.”

Those who have watched Joaquin Castro and his twin brother, Julian, for some time say they are not surprised that they are – at a relatively young age – causing a sensation at the national political stage.

Julian, the mayor of San Antonio, was the bigger star of the two last summer when he was picked to deliver the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. He made history, becoming the first Latino chosen for that role.

But in November, Joaquin – who until then was described more often than not as “Julian’s brother” – commanded the brighter spotlight when he was elected to Congress.

“The possibilities are endless for Joaquin,” said Mickey Ibarra, a former Clinton administration official who is founder and chairman of the Latino Leaders Network, a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing together Latino movers and shakers. “Now he and Julian have a national platform. It’s potentially the start of something that lasts a very significant amount of time.”

In Texas, Joaquin Castro was known for pushing for improvements to education, and raising high school graduation levels among Latinos. Critics find him personally affable though they take issue with his liberal-leaning politics and Democratic views on government spending.

Castro said he started entertaining the thought of political office beyond Texas just a few years ago, when he realized there were some things he could not fix as a state lawmaker.

“I remember when the No Child Left Behind blueprint came out,” he said, “I read the whole blueprint. I attended meetings with folks in education. I noticed that not once did the blueprint mention the word ‘counselors.’”

High school counseling long had been a pet concern of Castro, who saw it as lacking because, he said, the student-to-counselor ratio in much of Texas was 420-to-1.

It was something he pushed to address in the state legislature. But improving counseling – which, he said, often is hampered because advisors’ workloads are spread too thin – was critical at the national level, he said.

“I realized the way I wanted to approach some issues, I would have to deal with them at the federal level,” he said. “There were gaps in my ability to do things at the state level.”

Joaquin Castro, arguably, is the face of manifold trends involving Latinos and politics.

He is a member of the largest Latino class of congressional representatives ever – there are three Latinos in the U.S. Senate, and 28 in the House of Representatives.

He is also the face of the growing Latino influence in Texas politics.

The 2010 Census showed that Latinos accounted for a majority (more than 60 percent) of the Lone Star State’s population growth for the last decade, leading to the addition of four congressional seats.

Democrats are working to turn the demographic changes to their advantage by hashing out a strategy for identifying potential recruits to their party so that they can clone more candidates like the Castro twins.

“If Republicans do not do better in the Hispanic community, in a few short years Republicans will no longer be the majority part in our state,” Sen. Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican and also a first-timer in Congress, was quoted as saying in The New Yorker.

Some media reports are already spinning visions of a contested Senate race in six years between Cruz, a Tea Party favorite who was just elected in November, and Joaquin Castro. In the race for Gonzalez’s seat, Castro defeated Republican David Rosa.

In a keynote address after his retirement, Gonzalez said: “I think [Joaquin and Julian] are going to be the ones that will be turning Texas blue in a very short period.”

Henry Muñoz, a Texas native and the newly named financial chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said of the twins: “They’re a symbol of the new generation of American leaders. They are the two brightest stars in any political party.”

Joaquin, like his brother, embodies the American Dream for many Latinos and non-Latinos alike.

“They’re the pride of our community,” Ibarra said.

Joaquin Castro’s mother, Rosie, 65, said that while still a young woman in Southwest Texas, she recognized the need for Latinos to speak up about their issues and concerns.

She encouraged her sons to be active in their communities, and stressed education.

She tried to lead by example.

“I dragged them everywhere,” she told Fox News Latino. “I took them with me when I voted, I took them to PTA meetings, I took them to rallies. I wanted them to understand that one has to be actively engaged.”

Like normal young boys, they didn't take to it right away.

“By no means were they happy with it," she said. "But you try to make sure they have their homework with them, take toys along, their football.”

The twins earned degrees together from Stanford University and Harvard before embarking on their political careers.

In Washington D.C., Castro plans to continue his fight for improvements in education.

He also has pledged to fight for comprehensive immigration reform.

At a speech before the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s annual conference earlier this year, Castro drew attention to the banquet servers.

“It’s not a glamorous job,” he said, “but it’s part of what keeps the economic engine of America running…We should offer the DREAMers a pathway to citizenship, and we should offer other immigrants, who can demonstrate that they’ve worked here and paid taxes, a pathway to citizenship.”

Now, Joaquin Castro knows he can have a direct hand in making it happen.

“We’re at a special moment now in our country,” he said. “Immigration reform is within our reach. It’s a wonderful time to be in Congress – at time when you can accomplish meaningful progress on issues of great importance.”