Democrats blasted for giving illegal immigrants advice on how to avoid ICE during raids
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urges Democrats to help counter planned ICE raids; reaction and analysis on 'The Five.'
Is the Democratic Party advocating for open borders?
Fox News' Jesse Watters said as much in the wake of their reaction to President Trump's defense of upcoming Immigration and Custom's Enforcement (ICE) raids.
"You have Democrats saying don't follow the laws of our country. They want American citizens to follow the laws but they don't want illegal aliens so at this point you have to think, do they want any enforcement? They don't want it in the interior. They don't want it at the border," Watters said.
"They don't want you to have to stay in the country that you are and apply when you get there. They don't want you detained if you commit a crime in a sanctuary city, they don't want to let us know about it. They don't even want the federal government to ask you a question, are you a U.S. citizen?"
The "Watters' World" host then outlined what he believes Democrats are "offering" illegal immigrants.
"What they do want, they want to give you an American job. They want to give you a driver's license, in-state college tuition and they want to give you free health insurance. So at this point, the Democrats are the party of open borders and that's just a fact," Watters said.
Co-host Greg Gutfeld praised Trump and the logic of the immigration raids.
"Word gets out that we're going to deport people who are there illegally disincentivizes people from coming here. It's the opposite of waving caravans through," Gutfeld said.
"The Greg Gutfeld Show" host said he believed Democrats were "losing" the American public over the issue of immigration.
"So these are two things that human beings understand fairness and incentives. These are two things that the Democrats can't get into their thick skulls. And that's why they're losing the American public and they're devouring themselves," Gutfeld said.