Jeff Sessions vows: 'We will not be infected by politics or bias'

Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday vowed that his department would not be driven by politics, and that he is striving to give people the confidence that it is driven by the rule of law, and not servitude to one political party or another.

"We will not be infected by politics or bias," Sessions told the House Judiciary Committee. "We will make only decisions we believe are right and just. And we're not going to use the department to unlawfully advance a political agenda."

That was his response to a question from Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., who asked how people can trust the Department of Justice given the sense that it exists to not to dispense justice, but to back up the party that runs the White House.

"How do you restore people's trust," Gowdy asked, "when it seems like different rules apply depending on who's in power?"