Jay Sekulow blasts the leak of a sealed indictment
On 'Hannity,' President Trump's attorney reacts to Mueller's first charges.
Jay Sekulow serves as a key member of President Trump's private legal team - in between hosting a national radio show with his sons, arguing cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and playing guitar and drums in a rock band.
The New York native and chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, has proven a dogged defender of Trump. On Tuesday Sekulow raised eyebrows with a call for a second special counsel to look into potential conflicts of interest involving Department of Justice and FBI officials.
His comments come after a Fox News exclusive report revealed that the wife of Bruce Ohr, the Justice Department official who was recently demoted for concealing his meetings with Fusion GPS, the firm behind the anti-Trump “dossier,” worked at the same firm during the 2016 presidential election.
"The Department of Justice and FBI cannot ignore the multiple problems that have been created by these obvious conflicts of interests," Sekulow told Axios shortly after the Fox News report. "These new revelations require the appointment of a Special Counsel to investigate.”
Here’s what you need to know about Sekulow.
Who is he?
Sekulow was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., before his family moved to Long Island. A few years later, his family moved to Atlanta. Sekulow, 61, is married with two sons, Logan and Jordan.
Sekulow is a graduate of Mercer University and Mercer Law School in Georgia. He later received his Ph.D. from Regent University in Virginia. Earlier in his career, he served in the Office of Chief Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service as a trial attorney and represented the U.S. Treasury Department.
Sekulow in 1992 became chief counsel for the ACLJ, an advocacy group founded by Pat Robertson as what some have called a conservative counter to the ultra liberal American Civil Liberties Union. Under Sekulow, the ACLJ has taken up numerous conservative and Christian issues, fighting for such causes as right to life and religious freedom.
Supreme Court cases
Sekulow has appeared before the Supreme Court at least 12 times. In the mid-1980s, he convinced the court to strike down an ordinance that prohibited Jews for Jesus from proselytizing at Los Angeles International Airport. Not long after, he argued and won a case before the high Court that made it possible for public school students to form Bible clubs and other religious organizations on their school campuses. He last argued a Supreme Court case in 2008.
A more extensive list of the religious liberty cases he has argued can be found here.
Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism (CASE), radio show host, musician
In addition to serving as chief counsel for the ACLJ, Sekulow founded a nonprofit called Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism, or CASE, in 2012.
These days, the fast-talking Sekulow can be heard taking calls on the syndicated radio program “Jay Sekulow: Live!” which he often co-hosts with his sons.
Somehow, Sekulow finds time to play drums and guitar in The Jay Sekulow band, whose classic rock covers often provide bumper music for the growing radio show.