Jan Brewer slams media ‘hypocrites’ for praising Pelosi finger-pointing, scolding her for pointing at Obama

Former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer on Thursday took aim at “hypocrites” in the media who she says have branded House Speaker Nancy Pelosi a hero for pointing her finger at President Trump -- despite calling Brewer a racist for doing something similar to former President Obama.

"The news media hails @SpeakerPelosi as a hero for pointing her finger at @POTUS @realDonaldTrump but when I stood up to @BarackObama I was vilified as rude and racist," she tweeted.

Trump on Wednesday tweeted a picture of the contentious White House meeting on Syria, showing Pelosi, D-Calif., pointing her finger at him as they argued back-and-forth. Democrats eventually stormed out of the meeting, accusing Trump of having called the speaker a “third-rate politician.”

“Nervous Nancy’s unhinged meltdown!” he tweeted with the photo.

But Pelosi soon made it her Twitter banner, and it was quickly hailed by some in the media as a win for the speaker.

“Trump’s Nancy Pelosi ‘meltdown’ tweet was the perfect self-own. Here’s why,” declared one NBC News opinion piece.

“The White House’s photo clearly shows that the last man standing in that room is, in fact, Nancy Pelosi,” it gushed.

Brewer contrasted it with the media’s treatment of her when she “stood up to [Obama.]” She was referring to a tense 2012 tarmac meeting between her and the then-president. According to Brewer, the president had objected to her portrayal of him as dismissive and patronizing in her book, "Scorpions for Breakfast."

The cameras caught her waving her finger at Obama, something for which she received a flood of criticism. A New York Times op-ed, for instance, accused Brewer of treating the president “as if he were some errand boy and not the commander-in-chief.”

The Washington Free Beacon on Friday published a video called "A Tale of Two Fingers," contrasting the treatment of Brewer and Pelosi, showing anchors and commentating praising the "iconic" photo of Pelosi "standing in a room full of men," before contrasting that with media voices complaining about Brewer's "incredibly disrespectful" treatment of Obama.

“I was vilified as rude and racist. Such Hypocrites!” Brewer said.

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