Indicted former Dem Rep. Corrine Brown spent campaign cash after primary loss

Aug. 13, 2015: Former Rep. Corrine Brown talks with the press in Tallahassee, Fla. (AP)

The campaign committee of former Rep. Corrine Brown, D-Fla., who is currently on trial for corruption charges, spent thousands on hotels and small travel expenses after Brown was defeated in the Democratic primary last year.

Brown, who lost to former Florida state Sen. Al Lawson in the August 2016 primary, spent $11,278 on "lodging" at a Marriot Hotel in Bethesda, Md., in late September 2016, nearly one month after the election.

In addition to the hotel expenditures, the campaign disclosed three "petty cash" transactions totaling more than $2,000 during the two-week span between October 16 and November 4.

A small amount ($185) also was spent on travel expenses in Houston, Texas and Jacksonville, Fla.

Thousands more were spent on more typical transactions following an election loss, such as payments to campaign vendors.

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