Indiana attorney general accused of sexually inappropriate behavior by multiple women

Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill, a Republican, has been accused of acting sexually inappropriate toward multiple woman at a bar. He has denied the allegations. (Indiana Attorney General's Office)

Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill is facing calls to resign after multiple women accused him of sexual misconduct.

Six women claimed Hill exhibited sexually inappropriate behavior at a party at a downtown bar in March, according to an 8-page memo obtained by The Indianapolis Star

Hill allegedly inappropriately touched at least one lawmaker and three legislative staffers at the party, according to the memo. The lawmaker said Hill, who was intoxicated, ran his hands down her back and slid them under her clothes, grabbing her buttocks. She said she told him to “back off,” and he later did it again, The Indianapolis Star reported.

Another woman said Hill approached her at the bar and rubbed her back until she left to go to the restroom. And still others accused Hill of telling women to “show a little skin” in order to get free drinks or better service, according to the newspaper.

Hill, a Republican, has denied the allegations, which he said were “deeply troubling.”

“At no time was my behavior inappropriate nor did I touch anyone in an inappropriate manner,” Hill said in a statement to Fox News.

He said the bar had been “very crowded” and described the ambiance as being “light and jovial, as would be expected at a bar.”

“I interacted with several people – talking, laughing and telling stories,” he said.

"I have never been contacted by any investigator. I have not been informed of who made these allegations nor have I been provided any due process with regard to these vicious allegations," Hill claimed, adding there has been a "fundamental lack of fairness to this entire process."

"The lack of due process regarding this prejudicial investigation is concerning," he continued. "I have never received a copy of this 'confidential' report along with the specific allegations made against me."

Legislative leaders told The Indianapolis Star they completed an investigation and “the matter has been addressed with the Attorney General to the satisfaction of the employees involved.”

One woman told the newspaper she was satisfied that the investigation was conducted and that the women involved were treated fairly, though she was “disappointed that nothing can be done to censure him formally.”

“This was a pattern of behavior that was witnessed by many,” she said.

Indiana Democratic Party Chairman John Zody called the accusations “beyond troubling and wildly inappropriate in a professional or social environment for any person, much less a statewide elected official with such responsibility.”

“We believe the multiple allegations against the Attorney General are serious, and raise material doubts over whether he can effectively carry out the duties of his office,” Zody said in a statement, calling on Hill to resign.

Kyle Hupfer, the Indiana GOP chairman, said he is “continuing to learn about the details of the investigation into” the allegations.

“It’s important to be clear: As the Republican Party, we have zero tolerance for sexual harassment, and that’s the standard to which we should adhere,” he said in a statement. “Actions like these alleged have no place in public life or anywhere else.”

Hill, a former Elkhart County prosecutor, has been viewed as a rising Republican star. He was the single greatest vote getter in Indiana history when he was elected to office in 2016.

In May, he warmed up the crowd at a rally held by President Trump in Hill's native Elkhart. He's also visited the White House several times since Trump took office.

The women’s testimonies were compiled by Taft Stettinius & Hollister law firm as requested by legislative leaders, The Indianapolis Star reported.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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