
In his own words, Donald Trump is “really rich.”

The now-Republican presidential candidate demonstrated this when he released a financial snapshot of his net worth on Tuesday, declaring a net worth of nearly $9 billion.

He released the financial summary as he declared his White House candidacy at a rally in New York.

The summary pegs his total assets at $9.24 billion, and his net worth at $8.74 billion.

Unlike other presidential candidates pitching a populist message and trying to make themselves relatable to middle-class voters, Trump boasted of his net worth during his announcement.

“I’m really rich,” he said, in his trademark brash style.

But the real estate mogul made clear he also was making a point that he wouldn’t be beholden to donors and others as president.

“I don’t need anybody’s money -- it’s nice,” Trump said. He said he’s running using his own money.

The documents show the bulk of his assets come from, as expected, real estate holdings and deals, including properties in New York City, Las Vegas and San Francisco.

Not shy about his worth, Trump suggested he was even eager to produce the documents, citing speculation he might not enter the race because he might not be worth that much money and wouldn’t want to disclose that.

“I’m proud of my net worth. I’ve done an amazing job,” he said, adding, “Nobody’s ever going to know unless I run.”

The document said he’s also given over $102 million to charitable groups and others donating open space for public use, by donating land.