House candidate quotes musical 'Hamilton,' attributes it to founding father

Quoting a founding father is standard campaign fare -- but Democratic congressional candidate Oliver Rosenberg raised eyebrows this week by attributing a quote from the musical "Hamilton" to the actual historical figure.

Rosenberg was debating incumbent New York Rep. Jerry Nadler Monday on WNYC's The Brian Lehrer Show, ahead of Tuesday's primary.

Over the course of the debate, Rosenberg lamented high rent prices and the decline of small businesses in New York City. He then called for people to take a stand against career politicians, as he invoked lyrics from the musical based on Alexander Hamilton -- only he attributed the quote to Hamilton himself.

“As Alexander Hamilton says, ‘This is not a moment, this is the movement. Foes oppose us we take an honest stand. We roll like Moses, claiming our promised land. Rise up, rise up and vote,’” he said.

It was not immediately clear whether Rosenberg was aware he was quoting a character instead of the founder of the Federalist Party and the nation’s financial system. could not reach the Rosenberg campaign for comment.

Rosenberg ended up losing the Tuesday primary to Nadler, with only 10 percent of the vote. Nadler will move on to face Republican opponent Philip Rosenthal in the general election.

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