Shown here are Hillary Clinton supporters at Moonlite Bunny Ranch, in Carson City, Nev. (Photo Courtesy Of www.BunnyRanch.com)
The woman seeking America’s top job is getting a boost from the world’s oldest profession.
Ahead of the Nevada Democratic caucuses this weekend, a group of sex workers operating under the name Hookers for Hillary is going all in for Hillary Clinton’s campaign – touting her positions on health care and other issues.
According to The Guardian, brothel owner Dennis Hof and the girls at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch launched the pro-Clinton project shortly after she entered the race.
In interviews with the newspaper, they described their support as an endorsement of Clinton’s efforts to combat domestic violence as well. And one simply described it as a case of women helping women.
“We’re helping Hillary and we’re helping ourselves. Women should help other women, right?” Entice Love, a 26-year-old sex worker, told The Guardian.
The group, on its website, offers a four-point rationale for supporting Clinton: her defense of ObamaCare; her foreign policy experience; her support for agencies “that protect the public’s health”; and even her opposition to “supply side economics.”
On the latter point, the group says husband Bill Clinton presided over the “most prosperous time in Bunny Ranch history, which coincided with a tax increase” on wealthy Americans.
“A return to relying on the disproven theory of trickle-down economics would only serve to exclude the vast majority of hard-working Bunny Ranch clients from having the discretionary income to enjoy with their favorite Bunny,” the group says.
The endorsement and efforts on behalf of the Clinton campaign are a departure from 2008 and 2012 when the clique was backing the libertarian Ron Paul.
But Love said, “When I’m looking at who I want to pick for the presidency, I look at what are they doing that I can relate to that will be of benefit for me.”