
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the United States' immigration laws were outdated and in need of  overhaul.

In her second annual Address on the State of the Nation’s Homeland Security, Napolitano said they’re "sorely outdated and in need of revision."

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Asked by an audience member at the National Press Club what she sees as most in need of change, Napolitano said she couldn’t narrow it down. But she specifically criticized Congress for failing to pass the so-called DREAM Act last year. The legislation would have allowed undocumented immigrant children who were brought to the U.S. at a young age and grew up here to become citizens if they went to college or joined the military.

Napolitano said "they’ve played the rules" and Congress needs to act.

The Obama administration has been at odds with a number of states of their strict, new immigration laws, including Arizona, Alabama and Georgia. There are a number of federal law suits against these laws and judges have already blocked certain provisions of the immigration laws in South Carolina and Arizona.

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The DHS secretary's comments also come as immigration has taken to forefront of the GOP presidential race ahead of the hotly contested Florida primary on Tuesday. Republican frontrunner Mitt Romney has drawn a good deal of heat from his rivals for tough, stance on immigration and his recent vow to veto any DREAM Act legislation if elected president.

This article is based on The Associated Press. 

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