Hogan Gidley: 'Owning the libs' doesn't mean losing Georgia Senate races

Trump 2020 national press secretary explains why GOP needs to keep control of Senate

"Owning the libs doesn't mean giving them two free Senate seats," Trump 2020 national press secretary Hogan Gidley told "Fox & Friends Weekend" on Sunday, two days ahead of Georgia’s crucial runoff elections, which will decide which party controls the Senate.

"We have to make sure that Republicans maintain control of the Senate so that any radical agenda of the left can't come through and destroy this country and remake it into the image of some socialist nation, which is exactly what the Democrats are pledging to do," Gidley said.

Both Georgia Senate seats – and control of the chamber – will be up for grabs on Tuesday as Sen. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., faces challenger Raphael Warnock and Sen. David Perdue, R-Ga., takes on Jon Ossoff.

"Both Ossoff and Warnock are making pledges of not just embracing and adopting the Green New Deal, which would destroy our economy, but also make us less secure on the global stage by relying on other nations for our energy," Gidley said on Sunday.

"They want to open our borders. They want to make Puerto Rico a state, D.C. a state, pack the court, all the agenda items that have been radical from the beginning that have been exposed, they are embracing and promising to do."

He went on to say that President Trump is therefore going to go and campaign in Georgia on Monday for the Republican senators and "rally his supporters and say, ‘Guys, we are still looking at what happened in this reelection campaign for me. Don't worry about that. What you need to make sure you do and focus on is getting out the vote for Kelly Loeffler and Perdue to make sure we control the Senate.'"

"I think it’s a pretty good message and I think it’s one that’s going to work in the state of Georgia," Gidley continued.

When Trump weighed in on the 2017 race, calling Ossoff a "super liberal Democrat" who wanted to "protect criminals, allow illegal immigration and raise taxes," Ossoff responded that the president was "misinformed.


"I'm focused on bringing fresh leadership, accountability and bipartisan problem solving to Washington to cut wasteful spending and grow metro Atlanta's economy into the Silicon Valley of the South," Ossoff said.

Ossoff distanced himself from the national Democratic Party’s lurch to the left at the time. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution said Ossoff "often tried to avoid nationalizing that campaign over fears of losing moderate voters."

He said he would not support any tax increases, even on the wealthy. "I don’t support any increase in income tax rates," he said. 

Last month, Loeffler painted her Jan. 5 runoff election against Warnock as a battle against socialism during an interview on Fox News’ "Sunday Morning Futures."

Loeffler tied her opponent to ideas touted by the more progressive wing of the Democratic Party, including cutting funding to police departments and the so-called Green New Deal. She also linked Warnock to former Cuban strongman Fidel Castro.

In 1995, Warnock was a youth pastor at Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, where Castro gave a speech during a trip to the United States to attend the United Nations General Assembly. Warnock’s campaign claims he had no role in the decision to host Castro.

On Sunday, Loeffler also warned that Democratic victories in her state's runoff elections will mean a radical agenda that will drastically change life in the U.S.


Republicans currently hold 50 seats versus 48 for the Democrats. If Democrats pick up both seats, they will take control of the upper chamber, with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris casting tie-breaking votes.

Fox News’ Morgan Phillips, Ronn Blitzer and Andrew O’Reilly contributed to this report.

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