Hillary wants Bill 'out of retirement' – but not in her Cabinet

Hillary Clinton says she’s got big plans for her husband if she’s elected president – but that apparently does not include installing Bill Clinton in her Cabinet.

The Democratic presidential front-runner ruled out that scenario during a campaign stop Monday in Paducah, Ky.

On the stump, she repeated her vow to bring her ex-president husband “out of retirement” and put him to work in her administration. But later asked if he’d be a part of her Cabinet, Clinton shook her head and mouthed the word, “No.”

Hillary Clinton previously has indicated she wants to put her husband in charge of bringing back manufacturing jobs; in what capacity, she has not specified.

Clinton is campaigning in Kentucky ahead of the state’s Democratic primary on Tuesday. Oregon also holds its primary on Tuesday.

Though she continues to face a primary challenge from Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Clinton’s allied super PAC already is turning its attention toward an expected November fight against presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Priorities USA plans to start running general election ads on Wednesday. According to the group, the latest $6 million buy will target Trump and run in Ohio, Florida, Virginia and Nevada.

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