Hillary: Trump, Republicans all alike

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Buzz Cut:
• Hillary: Trump, Republicans all alike
• Nurses side with Bernie
• Jeb points the finger at Hillary for ISIS rise
• Perry peoples’ pay plight
• Tale of the flying fish

Under the battle cry that all Republicans are Trump, Hillary Clinton fired a shotgun blast at her GOP rivals Monday saying, “While what Donald Trump said about Megyn Kelly is outrageous, what the rest of the Republicans are saying about all women is also outrageous.” The Democratic frontrunner has consistently sought to lump all Republicans together in a renewal of her party’s claim of a GOP war on women. This time the target was Sen. Marco Rubio on abortion. “When one of their major candidates, a much younger man, the senator from Florida, says there should be no exceptions for rape and incest, that is as offensive and as troubling a comment as you can hear from a major candidate running for the presidency,” Clinton said.

Rubio wasted no time slamming back with a statement which said in part, “Hillary Clinton supports abortion even at the stage when an unborn child can feel pain…Hillary Clinton holds radical views on abortion that we look forward to exposing in the months to come.”

While Clinton’s move to tar her Republican rivals with a broad brush is aimed at shoring up a base that has seen erosion in support among white women, it is also a reflection of her campaign’s concern over Rubio, who a recent a swing state poll showed is a top threat in a head-to-head matchup.

[But I really don’t know Trump ‘that well’ - “I didn’t know him that well. I mean, I knew him. I knew him and I happened to be planning to be in Florida and I thought it’d be fun to go to his wedding, because it’s always entertaining…Now that he’s running for president, it’s a little more troubling,” said Clinton at a New Hampshire press conference.]

Hillary’s nets a mil from who-knows-who? - Doubling down her recent criticism of “the endless flow of secret, unaccountable money,” this election cycle, AP reports that Clinton got a big dollar bounce from anonymous donors. “[T]he main super PAC backing her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination accepted a $1 million contribution that cannot be traced. The seven-figure donation, made June 29 to the pro-Clinton Priorities USA Action, came from another super political action committee, called Fair Share Action. Its two lone contributors are Fair Share Inc. and Environment America Inc., according to records filed with Federal Election Commission. Those two groups are nonprofits that are not legally required to reveal information about their donors.”

Hillary vows all the emails are out there - NYT: “Hillary Rodham Clinton said in a statement filed under oath in federal court on Monday that she had provided to the State Department all of the work-related emails that were on the personal email account she used exclusively while she was secretary of state.”

[Déjà vu: State to miss Hillary email deadline - WashEx: “State Department officials will not publish the required number of Hillary Clinton’s emails at the end of August, marking the second month in a row that the agency has failed to meet a court-ordered benchmark for the production of the records.”]

Hillary lays out college plan: No loans for public schools - USA Today: “The multi-pronged plan includes giving grants to states to make them partners in a pledge that no student should have to take out a loan to pay for tuition if attending a four-year public college in their state. It would require students to help pay their way through school by contributing based on what they earn from 10 hours of work per week. And, echoing a plan already proposed by President Obama, students would be able to attend community college for free.”

[Hillary and Jeb waged a daylong Twitter-photoshop battle over the plan: Mashable has the deets]

Nurses side with Bernie - WSJ: “A major union of nurses endorsed Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders for president Monday, posing a hurdle to Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton as she works to lock down support from key elements of her party’s base. The endorsement—the first Mr. Sanders has received from a national union—marked a big win for the candidate and comes after Mrs. Clinton last month won the backing of the American Federation of Teachers.”

[More big crowds for Bernie - over 70,000 in three speeches Bloomberg reports.]

Laura Ingalls for Congress! No really… - Detroit Free Press: “Actress Melissa Gilbert, best known for her portrayal of Laura Ingalls Wilder on NBC’s “Little House on the Prairie” in the 1970s and ‘80s, said Monday she will run for Congress in Michigan’s 8th District -- though her campaign will have to tamp down questions about a tax bill.”

Eyes may be on the White House, but the fight for the Senate has already heated up. Democrats need five seats to flip the Senate from red to blue. Who will be in and who will be out? Tell us what you think. We’ll track your votes and comment and share them here each and every Thursday.

Share your top five picks. Email them – just five, please – toFOXNEWSFIRST@FOXNEWS.COM or tweet @ChrisStirewalt.

With state fairs popping up all over the country this time of year many people will consume delicious local cuisine from a parked truck. You have ancient Rome to thank for the concept, reports CTV. Street food vendors come from a need to feed nearly 50 million people leading very busy lives (sound familiar?). And Ancient Romans did not play around when it came to food. Emperors could be toppled over a lack of proper sustenance for their people, and Romans were known to center their days around several feedings, including snacking. Food-on-the-go became a necessity and, in such a vast expanding place, returning home was not always an option. Vendor foods included salted peas at the Coliseum, or some fried fish after a public bath. So when you’re indulging in a turkey leg followed up by a deep-fried Oreo proudly declare “Civis romanus sum.”

Got a TIP from the RIGHT or the LEFT? Email FoxNewsFirst@FOXNEWS.COM

Real Clear Politics Averages
Obama Job Approval:
Approve – 45.1 percent//Disapprove – 49.4 percent
Directions of Country: Right Direction – 29.0 percent//Wrong Track – 62.6 percent

Former Gov. Jeb Bush, R-Fla., is taking the gloves off in a speech at the Reagan Library today that not-so-subtly accuses Hillary Clinton, and the Obama administration, of contributing to the rise of ISIS. Name-checking Clinton, Bush says that early withdrawal from the Middle East, and a continued refusal to acknowledge Islamic extremism, allowed the radical group free reign over the region. In pre-released remarks Bush says, “ISIS grew while the United States disengaged from the Middle East and ignored the threat. And where was Secretary of State Clinton in all of this?  Like the president himself, she had opposed the surge…then joined in claiming credit for its success … then stood by as that hard-won victory by American and allied forces was thrown away.”

“To have Jeb Bush as the front runner is a joke, because the only people that want him in office is the entrenched establishment, people like Karl Rove.” – Mark Ritsig

“In time, those on the radar will eventually fall OFF completely, joined by Huckabee, Carson, Paul, and hopefully Trump.  Still going with a Rubio/Walker, Rubio/Kasich or even Rubio/Bush ticket.” – Madeline Schwarz

Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina, in either order, are our top choices for the seat(s) of the President and Vice President of the U.S. Each of them is calm under duress; both are extremely knowledgeable in world affairs” – Dale and Natalie Tenny

Carly says she’ll support Trump nominee to unite the party - Daily Caller:Carly Fiorina says that she will support Donald Trump if he is the eventual Republican nominee. Appearing on the Hugh Hewitt Show Monday, Fiorina clarified that, ‘If you’re going to run as a Republican in a primary, then you need to be clear that you are actually a Republican.’ Fiorina continued with, ‘Uniting the party after a nomination contest, so that we can beat our opponent is the most important thing.’”

Cruz bus tour draws crowds in Tennessee - [Nashville] Tennessean: “Sen. Ted Cruz…revved up members of his Middle Tennessee base with a preacher’s energy Monday afternoon during a talk that drew about 1,600 sign-toting, button-wearing supporters to The Factory at Franklin…It was one of four stops that Cruz was set to make throughout the state.”

[Watch Fox: Chief Political Correspondent Campaign Carl Cameron has the latest on the road from Ted Cruz’s Southern state bus tour.]

Perry peoples’ pay plight - WaPo: “[Perry]…has stopped paying his staff at the national headquarters in Austin as well as in the early caucus and primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, according to a Republican familiar with the Perry campaign. [Former Gov. Rick Perry, R-Texas] campaign manager Jeff Miller told staff last Friday, the day after the first Republican presidential debate, that they would no longer be paid and are free to look for other jobs -- and, so far at least, most aides have stuck with Perry -- according to this Republican.”

[Pro-Perry Opportunity and Freedom PAC tweeted out, “We’ve got plenty of money...The super PAC is not going to let Rick Perry down.”]

WSJ: “The five candidates for which the Club will officially bundle campaign contributions are: Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Marco Rubio of Florida; Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker; and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, a leading contender for the nomination who has struggled to gain traction with some conservatives.”

FOX 5: “A man fishing on Crystal Pier in Pacific Beach had a rare catch – a drone flying overhead – and it was caught on video…A fisherman in particular appeared annoyed that the drone was flying overhead.  He was seen casting his line toward the drone and nabbed it. The drone attempted to move out of the way, but was hooked.  The pilot, 19 year old Tice Ledbetter, apparently was able to land the drone without damaging it.  He unraveled the line and posted the video to YouTube.”

Donald Trump decided to make this into a war on the moderators and a war on Fox is because I think he thinks he lost. If you win a debate, you don’t start a war attacking the moderators. And he succeeded, he's a brilliant showman. He has succeeded in taking all the attention away from what actually happened in the debate.” Charles Krauthammer on “Special Report with Bret Baier” Watch here.

Chris Stirewalt is digital politics editor for Fox News. Want FOX News First in your inbox every day? Sign up here.

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