Hillary Clinton was 'ecstatic' when Trump fired Comey, new book says

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has opposed virtually everything President Trump has done since he took office, but she apparently cheered at his firing of FBI Director James Comey according to a new book.

In the volume, "We’ve Got People: From Jesse Jackson to AOC, the End of Big Money and the Rise of a Movement," author Ryan Grim, the Washington bureau chief of The Intercept, interviewed people in Clinton's inner circle, including former spokesman Brian Fallon.

Grim said Clinton was "ecstatic" when news of the Comey move broke.

“She had spent the winter and spring poring over survey and turnout data, calling friends and former aides relentlessly, analyzing and re-analyzing,” Grim writes. “It was, her friends believed, both part of her grieving process, but also holding her back from moving on. When she learned that Comey had been fired by Trump, she was ecstatic. Comey had finally gotten what he had coming.”


Grim added that she was "ultimately dissuaded by advisers from issuing a statement applauding the move."

The former presidential candidate has been a vocal critic of Comey over his handling of an investigation into her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. Many of his critics believe his reopening of the probe just days before the 2016 election handed victory to Trump.

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