Harris joins Elizabeth Warren’s call for impeachment

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif, is the latest presidential candidate to join the call for President Donald Trump’s impeachment following the release of the Mueller Report.

During a televised town hall on Monday night, Harvard University student Karla Alvarado asked Harris if congressional Democrats should “reconsider” their position on impeachment, something top leaders like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif, has repeatedly dismissed.

Harris began by declaring that it’s “very clear” that there is “a lot of good evidence” in the Mueller Report that points to obstruction of justice. And although she still intends on beating Trump in the 2020 election, she expressed that Congress should proceed with impeachment.


“I believe Congress should take the steps towards impeachment,” Harris said. “I am also a realist and when I look at what has been happening over the two years and some months since I’ve been in the United States Senate, I have also witnessed folks in the United States Congress and in particular the GOP, who have been presented with many reasons to push back against this president and they have not.”

She later elaborated that while impeachment may pass in the Democratic-controlled House, it would likely not in the Republican-controlled Senate.

Last week, Harris expressed caution towards impeachment, saying she wanted to hear from Special Counsel Robert Mueller and “really understand” what he concluded in his report before moving forward with impeachment.

Meanwhile, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass, doubled down on her call to impeach Trump at an earlier town hall.


“There is no ‘political inconvenience’ exception to the United States Constitution,” Warren told CNN anchor Anderson Cooper.

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